Choose Dental Bridges


What Does A Dental Bridge Do? 

In the case of a lost permanent tooth or teeth, Dr. Werschky and Dr. Lewis may recommend a dental bridge in Grand Blanc, Michigan. A dental bridge is a restoration that closes the gap caused by a lost tooth or teeth. A replacement tooth (pontic) with a dental crown attached to either side make up a dental bridge.

Dental Bridge Placement
When placing a dental bridge, our dentists will first remove some tooth enamel from the teeth on either side of the gap. This will allow room for the dental crowns, which anchor the bridge, to be placed over the teeth. Impressions will then be taken of your smile. These impressions will be used to create your individualized dental bridge. Once the bridge is complete, it will be permanently cemented into place.

Dental Bridge Lifespan
A dental bridge that is well cared for can last for 10 years or more. Tooth decay is a danger to dental bridges. Food can become trapped under the false tooth. If the teeth that support the bridge become decayed as a result, the bridge can be weakened.

Caring for Your Dental Bridge
Caring for your new dental bridge is simple. Clean the bridge in the same way that you clean your natural teeth. Brush and floss your natural teeth as well as your dental bridge. Also, be sure to come to Werschky, Lewis & Slatton Family Dentistry for your regular dental appointments.

We welcome you to call our office at (810) 671-5616 to learn more and to schedule your next appointment.
