Tips and Facts on Bad Breath Causes


Are you embarrassed by your bad breath? If so, you are not alone. Bad breath can put a serious damper on anyone’s day, which is why it’s important to get it treated and resolved as soon as possible. Here at Werschky, Lewis & Slatton Family Dentistry, in Grand Blanc, Michigan, we understand how serious bad breath can affect your life both personally and professionally, which is why we have created some basic tips on halitosis, also known as bad breath, so you can resolve it.

Did you know, halitosis can occur from several different situations? Well, it’s true! Some of these different situations include:

-Gum disease: Gum disease is a great beginning to discovering the root of your problem. It is a serious condition that can lead to bad breath, tooth loss, and even bone loss. If you have halitosis, you could be suffering from gum disease and need to address it as soon as possible.

-Food: We all know some tasty foods like garlic, onions, and other spices can leave our breath smelling foul. That is why making sure you rinse your smile out after eating, and brush and floss regularly can help against halitosis from staying.

-Dry mouth: Dry mouth is a condition where your body is not creating enough saliva to wash away bad bacteria or food particles in your smile. This can cause bacteria or foods to linger and become extremely stinky.

-Tobacco: Tobacco is a major threat to your oral health and overall health, which can cause a host of problems for you. Tobacco is a natural irritant to your gums and the bacteria can be sticky, putting your smile at risk for many issues and halitosis concerns.

-Medical conditions: There are many different medical circumstances that can trigger halitosis, including medications that offer this side effect. If you feel this could be causing your halitosis, be sure to tell your dentist, Dr. Jay A. Werschky about any medications you are taking, so you can get the proper treatment you need.

-Bacteria: There are thousands of different kinds of bacteria that can live in your teeth and gums without proper treatment or care. Keeping your smile clean with good hygiene will help fight bacteria.

As you can see, there are numerous different reasons halitosis can occur, which is why it is important to receive regular oral health checkups every six months. Having a regular dental check-up can eliminate oral health problems such as cavities and halitosis, so you can keep your smile in tip-top shape. If you have any questions or would like to set up an appointment, please call us at (810) 671-5616, so we can address your concerns and keep your smile clean and fresh.
